Download the Cigna Australia by GU Health App
Claim on the app wherever you are.
Download on the App Store, opens in a new tabGet it on Google Play
, opens in a new tab

Make a claim in three easy steps:
Take a photo of your receipt
Confirm your claim details
We’ll pay benefits within two working days of your claim being approved.
Have your member card handy wherever you go with the GU Health card for Apple Wallet and Android.

When to use the Cigna Australia by GU Health App
Find out when you can claim using the Cigna Australia by GU Health App vs the Cigna Envoy App.
The Cigna Australia by GU Health App can only be used for claims inside Australia that must be submitted to GU Health.
Australian residents*
- Eligible for Medicare
- Not eligible for Medicare
Submit to GU Health
Inpatient services
Before your hospital stay, make sure you provide your GU Health membership number to both the hospital and specialist. This will help confirm whether you are covered for the procedure and inform you whether direct billing is possible. If direct billing is not available for specialist fees, submit to Medicare first, before claiming with GU Health.Ancillary services (such as Dental, Physio and Vision)
Prescription medications
Do not claim medications listed on the PBS (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) with GU Health. Instead, show your Medicare card to the pharmacy to receive the subsidised rate.
Submit to Cigna
Services for treatment done outside of Australia.
Submit to Medicare
Outpatient medical services.
Not covered
Over the counter medications
Services that are not covered under your GU Health policy.
*The Australian residents category includes Australian citizens, permanent residents, and individuals who hold an Interim blue Medicare card.
Overseas workers and their dependants
- Eligible for Medicare
- Not eligible for Medicare
Submit to GU Health
Inpatient services (except Infertility)
Before your hospital stay, make sure you provide your GU Health membership number to both the hospital and specialist. This will help confirm whether you are covered for the procedure and inform you whether direct billing is possible.Outpatient medical services
Ancillary services (excluding Dental and Vision)
Prescription medications
Do not claim medications listed on the PBS (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) with GU Health. Instead, show your Medicare card to the pharmacy to receive the subsidised rate.
Submit to Cigna
Dental and Vision (if covered under your Cigna plan)
Infertility services (Inpatient only) if covered under your Cigna plan.
Services that are not covered under your GU Health policy
Services for treatment done outside of Australia.
Not covered
Over the counter medications